They loved God.
They loved one another.
They loved others.
They loved themselves.
How awesome it was to see kids that I've worked with for two years, actually get it. It appears that they don't pay attention to Daniel and Michael at times, but they do. They actually get bits and pieces. :)
Here are some highlights.
1. Kirk Cameron. Oh my dear, dear Kirk. You have made it easier for us to understand and share the Gospel. People laugh at you, but I have stayed faithful. I even taught the youth your program. "The Way of the Master." They were deeply challenged by your quick wit and knowledge of God's Word. So here's to you Kirk. Thank you for teaching our youth how to share the real Gospel instead of "Their best life now."
2. The place we stayed. So, Michael and I pulled into our host house to find African-American children playing in the yard. We found this odd because we didn't remember any black families at the church from last year. So, we turn around the corner to find two white people sitting in lawn chairs, watching their kids play. The kids were amazing, and talking to their mom really answered some questions I had about adopting children of a different color. We can do it! it has always been something I wanted. Now we just need to make sure God has the same idea.
3. Ms. Julie. Oh my word. In the words of Jesus, "I tell you the truth;" this trip would have been crazy without Ms Julie's beautiful cooking. She is such an asset!
4. The sibs. Sallie, Courtney, and Matthew. You guys were awesome. I was so proud to see you grow and share your faith. And Courtney . . . you know what you did. That was another proud moment of mine. lol
5. Babies. Really? I wanted one before, but now it's on overdrive. There were babies left and right! It was crazy.
That's all for now. :)